Accelar highlights the role that green finance can play in mainstreaming large-scale nature restoration across Scotland

In a new report published by NatureScot, in collaboration with Land Use Consultants and Matt Rayment, case studies for large scale nature restoration and rewilding were reviewed to understand how to improve nature across Scotland. Accelar led on how green finance can help accelerate the pace of change, highlighting public and private investment models that could be used to tackle the scale of the challenge.

Accelar’s work identified the potential pathways for nature positive projects to attract the private investment needed to close the funding gap. Funding is often a barrier to the scale and legacy of a nature restoration projects. Historically they have depended upon grant and philanthropic funding which are not sufficiently scalable to help address the challenge of the declining state of nature. The report identifies a range of funding models that can support existing mechanisms, tailored to their ability to be scalable, self-sufficient, and sustainable. It establishes how a blended approach could be used to help tackle the high start-up costs of valuing ecosystem services, which can then encourage private investors to provide capital when the market is more established.

The project findings can be used to inform the necessary systemic changes required to help large scale nature restoration. The report also provides case studies and insights to support individual projects, like those found in Accelar’s Nature Finance Impact Hub.  Particularly where they are seeking funding models that can help attract additional funding.

Whilst the speed of change within funding ecosystem services and nature-based solutions is constantly bringing new innovative financing mechanisms to the forefront, the core requirements of the sector to adapt and prepare for this finance is still pertinent. This report contributes to identifying those requirements and setting out a pathway for encouraging private investment into nature. If you’d like to read the report, then you can access it by clicking on the report image, or via this link. If you have any questions or would like to discuss the report, please contact Michael Smith at