Accelar shares practical ways for Midlands SMEs to benefit from the circular economy

99 % of businesses in the UK are SMEs so are key to our net zero carbon journey. Circular economy is one solution to our net zero challenge creating supply chains that use less virgin resources whilst also keeping businesses profitable and thriving.  On Thursday 22 April, Accelar’s Clare OIlerenshaw presented at a ‘The pathway to a circular economy’ webinar which was delivered by the Green Business Programme team at Coventry City Council in partnership with Coventry University and University of Warwick.

To an audience of 50 plus SMEs, Clare introduced the concept of circular economy alongside examples of businesses already working in a circular way, leveraging value from a more circular supply chain, sharing platforms, products as services, lifetime extension of products (re-use, remanufacturing, repair) and recovery and recycling.  Clare also shared some useful tools for SMEs looking to start exploring how circular economy might benefit their business.

Other speakers covered the benefits of incorporating remanufacturing into a products lifecycle, support available through the Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) for SMEs interested in this space, the work of the Coventry University Social Enterprise. The webinar finished with a roundup of funds available from Coventry City Council and a case study of a business who has received funding from them, Circom, who have developed a mechanical way of recycling mattresses.

A really interesting event covering both theory and practice and one which Accelar was really pleased to be involved in. The webinar recording can be accessed below and the presentations are available here.